Friday, August 24, 2018

Nikon’s steaming piles of crap - the Z6 and Z7

Today Nikon announced the replacement for the 1 series (which was fairly half-assed itself). The 1 series was very expensive and lacked a decent camera. It was a novel concept worthy of further development yet the cameras were clunky beta testing models rather than anything substantial. In order to be creative, menus had to be navigated that just made the whole process much more fraught. Indeed, I tried a Nikon J1 when it came out and though it would permit me to do the things I wanted to do I had to hunt through several menues to find the options. By that time, that once in a lifetime shot of Michelle Obama’s skirt lifting to reveal that she was just a transvestite male would have long gone.

Nikon’s development of the 1 series eventually came out with a half decent but chronically overpriced camera and just as they were getting somewhere with the line, they killed it off. Now we find out why - the new camera range with the Z6 and Z7.

I won’t bore you with a review of the Z6 and Z7 - you can read fanboy reviews anywhere. The fact is that these things are the biggest pile of donkey doo-doo that Nikon has produced in quite a while. I’d say they’re on a par with Canon’s M system for awfulness. In fact I’ll guarantee that like the Nikon 1 system this new nightmare will go the way of Nikon’s Pronea system. Remember that? It used APS film. If you can’t remember, you’re probably too young and it’s definitely not worth looking up.

What makes the Z6 and Z7 so awful? Two things... First Nikon has continued with its Fischer-Price design methodology where cameras are deliberately over-sized so that toddlers can handle them easily. I really don’t know what Nikon has been thinking or if indeed they have been thinking. Their heads must surely be in their pants. The last good camera Nikon ever produced was probably the Nikon F3 or the Nikon FM2. Everything since then has been clumsily bulky and ludicrously plastic.

The second thing that makes the Z6 and Z7 really quite terrible is the price. $3,000 for a camera body? Let’s take a look at just how hard it is to make a Z6 or Z7. Don’t give me that utter BS about R&D because hardly any went into them. They’re just supersized Nikon 1 cameras. There’s nothing mechanical in either of them - just plan electronics assembled in China by work-camp labor for no real wages. The parts are the cheapest they can buy in China. Essentially you have a $30 camera with a $3,000 price tag.

For an added bonus, in order to make the cameras seem as if they’re worth buying, the megapixel count is blown out of all proportion. 24 and 45 megapixels? Who on earth needs that? Sure - I have a 20 megapixel Olympus mirrorless. I paid $75 for it three or for years ago. I have an 8 megapixel DSLR that I bought 12 years ago. I even have a 3 megapixel compact that I bought 14 years ago. They will all produce an image more than adequate to grace a digital photo album or a Facebook page.
This picture was taken with an 8 megapixel DSLR back in 2007. There are no problems with this that could be solved by using 10, 20, 30, 40 or 46 megapixels. These inflated megapixel counts are really just a pissing contest. Immature gadget addicts will buy them just so they can say theirs is bigger. That’s the only reason these things will sell. They will, of course, “justify” their purchases with specious arguments over the size of print they can make while totally neglecting to mention they don’t actually print all that much because they can’t afford to. They certainly can’t afford to print a 47 megapixel image to 300dpi (their preferred measurement) as that would be way bigger than any commercially available print. Look at your walls... how many framed 16”x20” prints can you hang on them before the walls look like a crowded mess?

This new system is Nikon desperately trying to grab a non-existent market sector. Amateur photography is all but dead. Not many people now want to buy a camera. Why should they? Their iPhone will produce an excellent image and most cellphones these days produce all the image quality people need. 
This is a cellphone image of some welding I had just completed. Nothing wrong with that picture! The cellphone in question was a cheap $29 ZTE cellphone. Documentary photography has gone to the cellphone. Many journalists use cellphones rather than TV cameras or cameras. We are at the point where expensive, over-specified cameras have become a joke. Nikon’s Z6 and Z7 are just a joke. They’re not serious cameras.

If Nikon really wanted to grab the market sector back from cellphones then they have to include data plans into their phones. They have to make upload instant from anywhere and via 4G, 3G and wifi. I have no idea what memory card they’re using but I gather it’s smaller than a standard SD card - which is already the smallest card one can comfortably use. Of course, Nikon doesn’t really care - they’re just going to slap out overpriced cameras that appeal to fewer and fewer users until their camera division eventually goes belly up.

My advice - don’t waste your money on this Z6/Z7 junk. If you want to take good pictures, look at secondhand cameras. These overbloated mega pickle counts are just there to con the unwary into buying something they don’t need. I love photography but 99.9% of the time I use a cellphone. A great many of my photographer friends are the same way, We get all the quality we need from a cellphone. If you really must have a camera then look at the secondhand market. There are plenty cretins willing to sell their expensive cameras for next to nothing in order to fund the latest Fischer-Price toy camera from Nikon etc.

Nice one Nikon. You’ll con somebody yet into buying your Z6/Z7. For me though, my opinion is that they’re  just great big steaming piles of crap.

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