When I speak of the transvestite photographer, it is important to recognise that "transvestite" is a serious misnomer that covers a wide variety of things. It can mean:-
- A man that wears women's clothes because he finds it relaxing to role-play.
- A man that wears women's clothes because he finds it erotic.
- A man that wears women's clothes because he wishes he'd been a woman.
- A man that wears women's clothes because he wants to have sex with men.
- A man that wears women's clothes because he believes he should have been a woman.
- A man that wears women's clothes because he believes he is a woman.
- A man that wears women's clothes as a trademark.
- A man that wears women's clothes for shock and attention value.
- A man that wears women's clothes with the intention of getting a sex change operation.
- A man that wears women's clothes to be hip and in with the crowd.
I've doubtless missed a few variants because as my father always says: "Human sexuality isn't black and white - it's an infinite series of shades of grey". Male and female does not stop at chromozones. How else would you explain hermaphrodites who have the genitalia of both male and female?
Many forms of transvestite are drawn toward photography - partly because it's easy but mostly because it's artistic. Many studies have shown the female brain is more artistic than the male. So, have you asked whether your photographer is a transvestite?
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