Every year I plan a massive trip to Vermont or somewhere to take colorful autumnal foliage images. For the first few years, those I was with did not want to go and didn't want me to go without them. Then it became a case of finances. A couple of times, with finances, it has been more a case of forgetting until it was too late.
This year the pathetic excuse is a combination of lack of finances and lack of time. With luck, what with the bus project going on at www.myschoolbushome.blogspot.com, there will be an opportunity next autumn. Even though the bus does a whopping 8 miles to the gallon of diesel, it's still going to be way cheaper to drive the bus to where it's needed than to drive up in a vehicle that does 18mpg and pay for an hotel as well.
Plans for the bus have been underway for probably most of 2014 in some form or another. The idea is that it will become not only semipermanent accommodation but that it will tow the small vehicle as well. Having already driven the bus around West Columbia and from Augusta, it's possible to confirm that it is somewhat of a beast to maneuver. More so when the ridiculous back shelf was still attached to it. That took most of an afternoon and two angle grinders (one burnt out on the job) to remove it. The daft folding metal table attached to the side of the bus took no time at all to remove - again with the aid of an angle grinder on bolts that simply would not shift.
So, in its original colors, here is the school bus that's becoming a motorhome, both with and without the rear shelf.
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